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Priority #1 – Free Agency and Liberty

We help ensure our free agency and liberty by shaking up government by eliminating corruption.

In order for us to root out corruption we have to take a seven-pronged acronym L.A.M.B.asT.E.D. approach. (1) “L” We ensure the only entity that can lobby the government for change are the citizens of the State of Utah (2) “A” We need to reallocate the distribution of power and increase the accountability on government officials (3) “M”. We limit the scope and ability the state has to acquire money and how they can use it. (4) “B” We must remove money from the election process and move to a bracket system. (5) “T” We limit the number of terms an elected official can serve and we limit the amount of time an administrator or appointee can work for the state. (6) “E” Eliminate all parties in the State of Utah. (7) “D” Remove the decadence associated with government.

Priority #2 – Right to Life and the Protection Thereof

Every Utahn and every person on earth has the right to protect themselves from physical harm. This has been thwarted in recent years, certainly aboard, but it is growing in the U.S. as well. Utah has done well to some degree in protecting the 2nd amendment to bear arms but there is a massive lack of organization. The last part of the 2nd amendment seems to never be quoted or discussed, “a well-armed and well-regulated militia”. This is also OUR right. I will explain what I mean as I progress.

I would like to propose and implement neighborhood militias which will be the first line of defense and will have the support of the state but not controlled by it. These militias will have to function along certain protocols and have an annual training by the state and quarterly or more training by local law enforcement.  

Priority #3 Protecting Our Children & Youth

To our nations everlasting shame, we have treated our children and youth atrociously. State and federal officials have abused, confused, put them in harm’s way, and pitted them against one another all under the guise of equality and justice. I can’t fully describe the disgust I have on this topic and the acceptance that people have been tricked into granting.

This has happened via healthcare, drugs, abortion, schools, the LGBTQ movement, affirmative action policies and race related topics, pornography, and pedophilia. I will go through each of these in some detail and the action I will pursue.

Priority #4 – Marriage, no more acceptance of federal funding, removal of taxes in lieu of an endowment system, debt management, housing regulations and tax for out-of-staters.

Marriage was established by God between man and woman within the first chapters of the Bible. Marriage has forever been under the purview of religions probably until the government needed our income tax. The government doesn’t need to be involved so I would push for an amendment that would remove government from marriage entirely. As far as Utah is involved with taxes, we will permit other provisions to file jointly or similar. Marriage is of God not government.

Priority #5: Crack down on tech companies that do not follow the law and pass law to require distinction between utility/platform or editor. Pass a law banning tracking, harvesting/collecting of data, and collection of DNA or similar. Law to require news categories.

Tech companies have enjoyed an in-between corrupt sweet-spot where they are considered a platform and thus not held accountable for what others put on it but still act as an editor when they find certain topics discussed don’t align with their particular ethos. I propose a law that would require them to make the choice. They can either be an editor or a platform but they can’t be both. Either they are held accountable for everything on their platform as any newspaper or publication would be. Or they can be a platform that simply provides a place for people to communicate in a creative way under which they wouldn’t be held accountable but they wouldn’t be able to act as an editor by curating content. The only time they would need to remove a post is if it is advocating actual physical violence. This would include companies that manipulate algorithms to serve a certain end.

Priority #6: AI and AI creation

In our advance world we have things like AI to think about. I would push for an amendment to distinguish AI as a machine without human rights of any kind. This might sound silly to some but this is something that is actually picking up some steam.

Priority #7: Judicial legislation from the bench

I would push to pass a law that prohibits any level of legislation from the bench in the State of Utah. It will give more room for some judgements to be challenged when existing law doesn’t support the decision.

Priority #8: The Great Salt Lake

The Great Salt Lake has received a lot of attention over the course of the last few years. It is hard to piece the entire puzzle together so, if elected, I’ll have to dive in a take a closer look. Some have claimed climate change has caused the issue which, beg the questions, what about all the other lakes? Outside last year which caused record highs across the state, other lake water levels are within normal range. 

I believe it is the mining that has taken place. It is estimated that the lake has 2.4 million metric tons of resources including lithium of which they are working to extract 35,000 metric tons annually. Lithium for the car, phone, and other batteries from the lake is considered some of the best in the world. The problem is that lithium is mined by pumping brine to the surface, evaporating the water, adding a slurry of hydrated lime to keep out unwanted metals, and extracting the lithium that's left behind.